Let’s introduce you to our new Cohort 3 M3T Fellows. This week, let’s meet Jason Massie from Mountain View Middle School!

Jason Massie
M3T Mountain State Fellow – Cohort 3
Middle School Mathematics Teacher
Mountain View Middle School
Monroe County Schools
Number of years teaching: 7
Other roles & positions: PBIS committee member, LSIC committee chair
Professional awards, distinctions, and points of pride: Summers Middle School teacher of the year 2020
Interesting personal facts:
On top of teaching I also enjoy coaching crossfit at Crossfit Esprit. I enjoy not only teaching math but helping others meet their fitness goals. My wife is also a teacher in Greenbrier county which allows us to take camping trips in the summer as a family. On top of all of this I am also an avid golfer.

Why are you excited to be part of the M3T project?
I am excited to be a part of M3T to raise my understanding of teaching mathematics and to help my students understand not only how to do math but to be able to apply math concepts in their lives. I am also excited to bring this knowledge to other teachers in my school and other schools in the district.
Why do you teach mathematics?
I teach math because I like seeing students realize that math isn’t something that they have to fear but is something that they can enjoy and get excited about.
What are you focused on improving about mathematics teaching?
I am currently focused on improving my students ability to struggle with math and overcome that struggle through discourse with the teacher and other students (the productive struggle).
Final thoughts:
Most of the math that students will use in their everyday life they learn in middle school. This fact was brought to my attention after joining M3T. This has led me to realize the importance of teaching middle school math and contributed to my desire to improve my teaching.
Keep checking in with us on #M3TFellowFriday and throughout the school year! You can find a listing of all of the M3T Fellows and stay up-to-date with the work of the M3T network at our website, https://m3twv.org. You can also stay up-to-date with all of the activity of our network by following us on Twitter, @m3t_wv, and on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/m3twv.