Each Friday this Fall, we will introduce one of our new Cohort 3 M3T Fellows. This week, let’s meet Jessica Thomas from University High School!

Jessica Thomas
M3T Mountain State Fellow – Cohort 3
High School Mathematics Teacher
University High School
Monongalia County Schools
Twitter: @jessicateaches_
Number of years teaching: 6
Other roles & positions: Mu Alpha Theta co-sponsor at UHS
Professional awards, distinctions, and points of pride: Achieved National Board Certification in Mathematics – Adolescent and Young Adulthood in 2021
Interesting personal facts:
I graduated from West Liberty University in 2014 with a degree in both mathematics AND English education, but I have yet to actually teach English! However, I do love to read and read over 50 novels last year. I also enjoy embroidery, but my favorite thing to do is spend time with my family, which includes my husband, Zac, and my daughter, Audrey, who is three. We are also expecting another baby in February! We love to travel the state of WV looking for the best ice cream and donut spots.

Why are you excited to be part of the M3T project?
I am excited to be a part of a network of people who have the same ideals, passions, and goals as I do. I am confident we will be able to work together to improve math education in WV!
Why do you teach mathematics?
I teach mathematics because it is the subject I am most passionate about and the one where I feel I can make the largest impact on students. There are a lot of students out there who struggle with enjoying mathematics, and if I can make even a few of them feel success and confidence where they haven’t felt it before, then I have accomplished my goal!
What are you focused on improving about mathematics teaching?
I would most like to find ways to improve the participation, confidence, and success of all students in the math classroom and leave no one feeling like they have nothing to say.
Final thoughts:
I am proud to be impacting my students and enhancing my career through participation in this project!
Check in each week on #M3TFellowFriday throughout the school year to meet another M3T Fellow. You can find a listing of all of the M3T Fellows and stay up-to-date with the work of the M3T network at our website, https://m3twv.org. You can also stay up-to-date with all of the activity of our network by following us on Twitter, @m3t_wv, and on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/m3twv.