Each Friday during the school year, we will spotlight one of our M3T Fellows. This week, let’s meet Hope Wright from Fairmont Senior High School!

Hope Wright
M3T Noyce Fellow – Cohort 1
High School Mathematics Teacher
Fairmont Senior High School
Marion County Schools
Number of years teaching: 12
Positions and Roles: AP Calculus Teacher, Math Department Chair, Teacher Education Coordinator, HSTA Teacher
Professional awards, distinctions, and points of pride: M3T Fellow
Interesting personal facts: Has been married to husband Brad for 10 years, has 3 daughters: Cora (7), Clare (4), and Callie (5 months), loves to travel the world, hike and run around West Virginia, and in the summer loves to exercise, read, and binge-watch TV shows.

Why are you excited to be part of the M3T project?
“I am excited to be in a collaborative community with like minded individuals pursuing the same goal of bettering the teaching of mathematics. I love working and learning from such a talented group of individuals.”
Why do you teach mathematics?
“I love math, and I love to share this amazing subject with others. Through teaching, it is my hope that I can create enthusiasm and enjoyment from the subject. The best gift I can receive as a teacher is watching the spark flick in the eyes of my students.”
What are you focused on improving about mathematics teaching?
“Year after year, I am finding it more challenging to motivate my students to find interest in anything that doesn’t deliver instant gratification. I am interested in not only exploring how to expand interest in math through conversation and engaging challenges, but also explore how assessing and assigning grades affects performance.”
Final Thoughts:
“Do the best you can until you know better, and when you know better, do better.”
Maya Angelou
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Check in each week on #M3TFellowFriday throughout the school year to meet another M3T Fellow. You can find a listing of all of the M3T Fellows and stay up-to-date with the work of the M3T network at our website, https://m3twv.org. You can also follow us on Twitter, @m3t_wv.