Each Friday during the school year, we will spotlight one of our M3T Fellows. This week, let’s meet Kerianne Smead from Morgantown High School!

Kerianne Smead
M3T Noyce Fellow – Cohort 1
High School Mathematics Teacher
Morgantown High School
Monongalia County Schools
Twitter: @McSmead
Number of years teaching: 10
Positions and Roles: Teaches Math 1 and Math 3 A/B
Professional awards, distinctions, and points of pride: M3T Cohort 1 Fellow, PAEMST WV State Finalist 2019; PAEMST WV State Finalist 2021
Interesting personal facts: Has been married for six years, has two dogs (Jasper and Percy), loves to hike, mountain bike, knit and read; her favorite color is purple and her favorite number is 17!

Why are you excited to be part of the M3T project?
“I am excited to be a part of the M3T project because I want to learn about better ways to teach math. I’m looking forward to collaborating with other teachers around the state to discover best practices together and to learn from shared experiences. I can’t wait to see the change in my classroom and to share what’s working with my students with others.”
Why do you teach mathematics?
“I love teaching mathematics because mathematics is beautiful and creative. There are so many different entry points to access mathematics and ways to view it that it is exciting to hear different perspectives. I think math education is important because it helps us to all make sense of the world that we live in.”
What are you focused on improving about mathematics teaching?
“There are a few things I want to focus on improving about mathematics teaching. The first is communication. How do we talk about math, and how do we get our students to have more meaningful conversations about math? The second is how we assess our students’ understanding of the math concepts. How can we use feedback to motivate our students and drive their learning forward?”
Final Thoughts:
“The network of educators that has been created through M3T has been amazing to work with. I have felt supported in my classroom and challenged to try new and innovative ways of teaching.”
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Check in each week on #M3TFellowFriday throughout the school year to meet another M3T Fellow. You can find a listing of all of the M3T Fellows and stay up-to-date with the work of the M3T network at our website, https://m3twv.org. You can also follow us on Twitter, @m3t_wv.